at Thirsty Cowboy

Time: 2:00pm     Day: Sunday     Ages: 18+ Ages     Price: $10
This Event Has Ended

Thirsty for a Cure will take place at Thirsty Cowboy in Medina Ohio on Sunday, March 3rd 2024.

This benefit event will feature live music with Old Skool. All proceeds will be
donated to the Alzheimer's Foundation to find a cure. In hopes to help fund the event and increase
donations towards the Alzheimer's Association. Tickets include a buffet style dinner, offerings which will be announced the week prior.
There will be 50/50 drawings, raffle baskets, & silent auctions with all proceeds going to charity.
Tickets $40 ea
Event T-Shirts $20 ea

Sponsorship Options
GOLD: $800.00 (5 spots available)
 Table with 8 Seats, Prime Location to Stage
 Company Name on Event T-shirts
 8 Event T-shirts
 Company Logo Showcased on Slideshow & Social Media

SILVER: $200.00 (20 spots available)
 Company Name on Event T-shirts
 Company Logo Showcased in Slideshow & Social Media